Three main factors affect the performance of solar panels and roofing materials. Learn more about each one of them below.
Sun’s Intensity and Your Location
To maximize the efficiency of solar panels, you need to keep them perpendicular to the sun. Doing this will allow all sunlight to enter and allow the panels to convert it into energy. If they are not at a proper angle, they will only receive a portion of the sun’s rays. Doing this could decrease their efficiency and even lead to overheating, which is not what you want for your solar panels.
Roof Surface Reflective Properties and Temperature
The efficiency of a roof’s solar reflectivity is related to the temperature of the roof. Dark and shiny roofs can absorb more heat from the sun, whereas lighter surfaces will reflect more light and heat, which can be negative in some climates.
In addition, Littleton, CO homeowners should consider the type of climate they live in and the orientation of their home when it comes to roof surface reflectivity and temperature management.
The Quality of the Solar Panels and Roofing Materials in Use
Solar panel quality is the primary determinant of its energy production. The efficiency of a solar panel is measured as the ratio of energy output to the total amount of energy input from sunlight. However, low-quality panels are often made with cheaper materials and use lower levels of technology, which means that they have a lower efficiency ratio.
Energy Education has an excellent post about the quality of solar panels and roofing materials in use. Learn more about them here.
In the northern hemisphere, the general rule for solar panel placement is, solar panels should face true south (and in the southern, true north). Usually this is the best direction because solar panels will receive direct light throughout the day. However there is a difference between magnetic south and true south that must be considered. Magnetic south is the “south” shown when a compass is used, and this south points to the Earth’s south magnetic pole. Solar panels, however, need to face solar or geographic south, which is the direction towards the South Pole.[3] By the same reasoning, if the solar panel is located in the southern hemisphere, the panel should instead face in the direction of true north.
Depending on how solar panels are being used, it may also be beneficial to have a slight rotation away from due south. For example, depending on the use solar panels used for a home should face slightly south-west. These panels collect more energy when they face due south, but the energy is more useful if it comes later in the day. This turn allows the solar panels to produce more electricity at the hours when it is needed. Pointing the panels slightly south-west, in the direction of the setting Sun, would allow the panels to produce more energy in the evening, when people are home and using more appliances. The decrease in total production is balanced by the electricity available when it is needed most. In most areas there is enough electricity available from other sources in the morning and midday. (Check the reference images in this direct link)
You can always trust us at Roper Roofing and Solar to provide you excellent solar panel and roofing services in Littleton, CO for all your needs. Contact us today to learn more about everything that we can do for you.