Photoluminescence is the process in which light is emitted from a substance as a result of the absorption of light. Photoluminescence is a process that occurs with certain crystals and minerals. The process involves the absorption of photons, which are then emitted by the substance.
Now, scientists have discovered a way to use these photoluminescent crystals and minerals to create solar glass panels that can collect solar energies like photovoltaic cells. In a greenhouse situation, glass panels that collect solar panels help plants with their photosynthesis. It’s a great technology that can take solar panels to the next level, allowing governments and organizations to conserve on land mass usage, the typical method for solar farms.
The greenhouse solar glass panel experiments yielded excellent results, allowing greenhouses to power its automated sprinkler systems while growing plants in controlled botanical environments. Learn more about this progress from PV Magazine’s post below.
It is estimated solar installations may cover more than 3 million acres of the United States over the next decade, opening the door for PV to be paired with agricultural land to produce food, conserve ecosystems, and maximize income for farmers and growers. Decarbonizing food production, which accounts for as much as 30% of global emissions, makes agrivoltaics an environmental win-win.
A new solution for controlled-environment agriculture is set to be developed in a partnership between Heliene, a solar module manufacturer, and UbiQD, a photoluminescent materials integrator. The two seek to build a solution for greenhouses that transmits useful light for the plants inside and produces solar energy.
UbiQD builds translucent panels for greenhouses that are integrated with photoluminescent particles that are efficient at converting light into a preferable wavelength. The UbiQD “UbiGro” panels glow a spectrum of color that is optimized for plant growth, absorbing UV and blue light and emitting fruitful orange or red light.
In recent trials, UbiGro led to a 21% boost in flowering in geranium flowers, a 14-28% boost in winter strawberry growth, and an 8% yield increase in cannabis production. Increased crop yields are a welcome sign to any grower, and the two companies are set to take that benefit one step further, integrating productive solar PV in the greenhouse-topping modules. (Continue reading here to learn more)
You can always count on us at Roper Roofing & Solar to provide you with the most dependable solar panel installations and GAF Timberline Solar Shingle installations. Contact us today.