Solar cells have very few moving components. This low-maintenance quality might suggest they won’t easily break down. However, solar panels are fragile against impact and wind damages.
Many homeowners regularly face solar panel issues if they don’t use regular maintenance services. Therefore, it’s wise to have professional solar panel specialists, such as Roper Roofing & Solar, to reduce your solar roofing overhead costs.
Solar Cell
The photovoltaic effect requires virtually zero mechanical movements because it’s a bridge that transports and converts molecules. However, solar cells can still suffer from UV ray degradation. Thus, regular maintenance helps prevent accelerated solar cell deterioration.
Electrical Wiring
Wires can suddenly malfunction for any reason. However, a previous windstorm can severely damage solar panel wiring. As a result, regular solar panel maintenance can fix these wires at a fraction of your regular solar panel repair costs.
Solar Inverter
Your solar panel system cannot provide usable energy to your home without a properly working solar inverter. Maintenance service teams ensure that your solar inverters have accurate readings and convert energy for your home effectively. You can learn more about solar inverter maintenance from DoItYourself below:
1. Battery Not Charging
The photovoltaic array open voltage circuit should be measured to confirm that it is within normal limits. Measure the connections for the photovoltaic array if the voltage is measured zero or low. Always remember to disconnect the photovoltaic array from the controller when checking the system. Another thing you could check is the photovoltaic and battery voltage at charge controller terminals if the voltage reading at the terminal is the same when it is battery charging. If the photovoltaic reading is close to the open circuit reading of the panels and then the battery reading is low, the controller is possibly not charging the batteries itself and may be a sign of battery damage.
2. Excessively High Reading on Battery Voltage
High voltage readings of the battery could mean problems with the controller. Check by disconnecting the lead battery from the positive terminal and leave the photovoltaic array disconnected. The charging light on the controller shouldn’t be lit. Go to the solar panel terminal and measure the voltage from the charge controller. If the green light lights up then this indicates the controller may be damaged.
3. Improper Loading
The fuses could possibly be damaged or defective if this is the case. Check the fuses to ensure they are not frayed or damaged. Another possibility is that the breakers might have been tripped.
4. Fault Line is On but AC Load Not Working
A shutdown might have occurred due to an overload in the system and might have exceeded the solar inverters surge capacity.
5. Reverse Polarity Connection on Solar Inverter
The battery connection should be checked because the inverter could possibly be damaged and needs to be replaced. Always check connections if it is time for it to be replaced.
If you need regular solar panel maintenance for your Littleton, CO home, you can always count on us at Roper Roofing & Solar. Contact us today to learn more about everything that we can do for you.