If you ask any homeowner in Littleton, CO, you’ll get the same answer: everyone wants a solar roof. Truthfully, solar panels are extremely useful because they have helped numerous properties save much from their electrical utilities and bills. However, the initial solar roof material and installation costs can be enormous, which turns off many homeowners despite the solar roof’s efficiency in quickly returning their return-on-investment.
You can expect solar roofs to be as expensive as traditional roofing materials. Actually, you’ll need to install your roofing material before professional Littleton, CO roofers can install your solar panels. However, having a single roofing professional with solar panel and traditional roofing experience will help you fare better and save much more money. They can advise you on solar panel weight, roof carrying capacity, and the number of solar panels you can use on your home.
On average, a homeowner in Littleton, CO, can spend up to $15,000 for a fully solar-paneled roof. However, keep in mind that solar panels can only absorb and store so much energy. The solar panel quality and energy storage are enormous factors to the actual power quality your solar panels can store, generate, and continuously provide.
Energy Sage has an excellent breakdown of actual costs and savings you’ll get with high-quality solar panels. Read more about it below.
As of February 2021, the average solar panel cost in Littleton, CO is $3.12/W. Given a solar panel system size of 5 kilowatts (kW), an average solar installation in Littleton, CO ranges in cost from $13,260 to $17,940, with the average gross price for solar in Littleton, CO coming in at $15,600. After accounting for the 26% Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) and other state and local solar incentives, the net price you’ll pay for solar can fall by thousands of dollars.https://www.youtube.com/embed/gWJ1Nf9DHTI
Importantly, these costs are typical for solar shoppers comparing solar quotes on the EnergySage Marketplace. When you compare quotes for solar panels on EnergySage’s competitive solar marketplace, you can expect to see prices up to 20% lower than working with a single solar company.
Average solar panel cost by system size in Littleton, CO
System Size System Cost System Cost (after ITC)
3 kW $9,360 $6,926
4 kW $12,480 $9,235
5 kW $15,600 $11,544
6 kW $18,720 $13,853
7 kW $21,840 $16,162
8 kW $24,960 $18,470
9 kW $28,080 $20,779
10 kW $31,200 $23,088
Solar installation costs do not include the 26% Federal Investment Tax Credit or local incentives. Learn more about local CO incentives, tax credits & rebates.
Payback Period
11.41 Years
20-Year Savings
Cost per Watt
$3.12 (Continued)
If you have yet to find an excellent roofer with excellent solar panel installation experience, you can always count on us at Roper Roofing. We install the best solar panels, such as REC and Solaria panels. Contact us today to learn more about everything that we can achieve with you.