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The Future is Here: Solar Roof Tiles

Posted on March 14, 2022

The Future is Here: Solar Roof Tiles

Solar roof tiles are solar panels designed to look like roof shingles. They are installed on a roof, much like roof shingles, and convert sunlight into electricity.

Solar roof tiles are composed of photovoltaic solar cells that are laminated between two sheets of glass. The upper glass layer is transparent, letting sunlight in to the solar cells below, while the bottom layer is opaque and colored to match the look of traditional roofing materials.

GAF Timberline Solar Shingles are made from asphalt shingles. These are different than tiles because they’re much more lightweight and can be installed like regular asphalt shingle roofs. It requires zero roof membrane drilling, which damages the interior of your roof. and is a major no-no.

They’re also less expensive than tiles, which makes them a perfect option for new roofs. In addition to the longevity of these shingles, they are also rodent and pest proof. Asphalt shingles are not made of wood or cellulose. Lastly, they can offer you as much solar energy as traditional panels, making them the perfect choice for roofing and solar panel materials.

However, if you’re interested in solar tiles, you can learn more from Canstar Blue’s post below.

What are solar roof tiles?

Solar roof tiles are like regular solar panels; however, they are much more compact and can be securely fitted within the roofline due to their tile-like design. Where a solar panel requires mounting and optimal positioning on the roof to be effective, solar tiles can be incorporated either on top of or among existing shingles on the roof.

Solar tiles are classified as building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) as they become a part of the roofing. There are two main types of solar roof designs that you can get: tiles or shingles.

How do solar roof tiles work?

Solar tiles work in a similar fashion to conventional photovoltaics (PV) panels in that they capture sunlight and convert it into electricity (with the help of a solar inverter). The main difference between a solar panel and a solar roof tile however, is the appearance. Where a panel is mounted to a roof, the solar tile becomes a part of the roofing, potentially making it easier to cover a larger surface area. Solar tiles can also offer the same protections as regular roofing shingles, in addition to generating solar power. With a solar tile, you might also find that they have a more visually appealing finish than a regular panel.

What are the advantages of solar roof tiles?

There are few notable advantages to using solar roof tiles. These include:

  • Can be used in hard-to-reach places: If you are unable to install solar panels on your property due to the positioning of your roof, you may be able to add some solar tiles to this area instead.
  • Limited damage to roof: As the tiles act as part of the roofing, you don’t need to worry about drilling holes or mounting equipment on top of the roof.
  • More protective of the roof than panels: With panels, there is the additional concern of strain on the roof during storms and strong winds. Tiles, however, become a part of the roof and protect the house.
  • Visually appealing: Roof tiles are a lot more aesthetically pleasing than mounted panels and can easily blend in with the design of the house.

Solar Plans & Prices (Continue reading here to learn more)

If you have yet to find a dependable solar roofing installation team in Golden, CO, you can always count on us at Roper Roofing & Solar. Contact us today!