Watch For Fire Hazards Before Lighting Your New Year's Fireworks

The New Year is almost here, and we're all excited to leave the dreadful era of isolation into a prosperous new one. Your roof is in top shape because you've previously had a roofing maintenance specialist team check up on its performance and nipped all potential problems in the bud. However, before lighting your fireworks, remain keen about the possible fire hazards you might face.

Truthfully, fire hazards won't come from your fireworks unless one fragment sets a part of your roof on fire. However, the risk of these fragments setting trees near your house alight is real. Therefore, take every precaution and make proper decisions in aiming and lighting up your fireworks during the festive season.

Next, monitor your house's exterior Christmas lights. LEDs aren't known for their high heat, but a small circuit fault can lead to long-term damages due to fires. Call upon your dependable electricians to check every electricity source on your property.

Blackmoon Mooring has a great list of fire-prevention practices you can adopt to ensure the residence's safety. Read more about it below.


The easiest way to avoid a house fire is by checking your smoke alarms regularly. There is a little button on it that you can press to test it. If it beeps weakly, then you need to change the batteries ASAP.

If a fire breaks out and it’s not working, tragedy can quickly occur as no one is alerted to evacuate.


If your heating sources aren’t working properly they could trigger a fire to happen. You should have them checked out annually by a professional.

Make sure your air filters are always cleaned out, and if you’re using a space heater – it needs to be positioned away from anything flammable. A fire can easily start from debris and dust being too close to a heat source so make sure you clean them regularly.


Don’t worry, the stove didn’t randomly combust because of your cooking. It most likely happened because forgotten food particles on the burner got too hot. Food particles aren’t the only thing that could cause this to happen.

If your curtains hang a little too close to the stove, they can catch fire. If you leave a dish towel or cookbook on a burner that you forgot was still hot, they can catch fire.


A few seconds is all it takes for a fire to break out. This is why you never want to leave cooking food unattended. If you have to leave the kitchen for any reason, turn off that pot of boiling noodles first.

If for whatever reason you can’t turn off the oven, call someone into the kitchen to watch the food until you get back. (Continued)

If you have yet to find a reliable roofer for everything your house needs, you can always count on us at Roper Roofing. Contact us today to learn more about everything that we can achieve with you.

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