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Are Solar Panels the Best Solutions for Energy Crises Worldwide?

Posted on August 10, 2022

Are Solar Panels the Best Solutions for Energy Crises Worldwide?

Coal and oil-powered energy are the cornerstones of many households and economies worldwide. Unfortunately, coal and oil are susceptible to economic movements. Both of these components require production, processing, and transportation. If inflation occurs and oil prices rise, electricity costs rise. This can leave many disadvantaged homeowners and property owners with high utility expenses.

Solar energy is an infinite source of electricity for many homeowners who have adopted the system. Today, it’s one of the fastest growing and most reliable renewable energy production technologies worldwide. While it has yet to achieve universal adoption, it might be the answer to oil and coal inflation leading to expensive electricity worldwide.

Solar energy and technology indeed have many challenges. For example, it can only operate better in cooler temperatures. This means it would work well for countries in temperate and colder regions, but it would fail in tropical countries where roof temperatures can reach very high levels. 

Recycling used solar panels is another problem for homeowners, property owners, and solar panel manufacturers worldwide. Today’s technology can recycle the panels but cannot process them fast enough to process the mounting waste of solar energy. With the number of solar panels purchased regularly, the solar panel recyclers must progress their technology within 30 years to meet the significantly increased demand.

The National Space Society has an excellent post on how solar energy solves the world’s energy crisis. Read more about it below.

What new wonders can the sun hold in store for us in the next century? What will the world be like in the twenty-first century? Will America be a prosperous, dynamic nation or will our children’s children look to us and ask, “What happened to our world?”

Did people living at the end of the nineteenth century, just one hundred years ago, have any idea of the changes the twentieth century would bring? Could they have imagined tens of millions of automobiles crowding the streets of our cities and driving across this great land on broad interstate highways? How could they possibly imagine millions of people traveling through the sky in sleek jets at 500 miles an hour? Or believe that man could walk on the moon? Imagine their amazement at a modern shopping mall. Would they believe a telephone call reaching halfway around the world in an instant by way of a communications satellite? What would be their reaction as they watch me writing this book at a computer the size of a book?

What made these things possible for the twentieth century? What was it that brought such prosperity to society, allowing both leisure time and money to enjoy the great American dream? It was energy. Or, more precisely, oil. Vast quantities of cheap oil provided not only the fuel that made automobiles and airplanes practical, but also fueled the dynamic economy that made the United States the industrial giant of the century. It created jobs, built enormous private fortunes, and helped win wars. Other energy sources — natural gas, coal, hydroelectric, and nuclear — contributed to the overall picture, but it was oil that controlled the price and led the way to prosperity for the United States in the twentieth century.

Now we must ask the question for our children: “What about the future?” Can our present energy sources sustain the increased billions of inhabitants added to the planet? Will energy-hungry developed nations seize oil-producing countries to gain control of their resources, or will oil producers become international dictators? Are there enough reserves of natural resources to sustain the world of the future? What will be the price of fuel? What will be the terrible price of the ever-increasing cocoon of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere warming the earth? Will burgeoning nuclear waste create vast wastelands of uninhabitable landscapes? How great will be the scourge of hopeless, starving, emerging nations as they reach out to neighboring lands in a desperate search for survival? Can our generation continue to turn sightless eyes to environmental pollution as we blindly follow a path surely leading to the destruction of the earth?

Today the United States, with less than 5% of the world’s population, consumes one quarter of the world’s energy production. Three-fourths of the rest of the world lives in poverty. Many are on the verge of starvation, and the population of the world is increasing at a rate of nearly a quarter-million people per day. (Continued)

If you need high-quality solar panel and GAF Timberline Solar Shingle installations, you can always count on Roper Roofing & Solar to provide the best solutions for your needs. Call us today to get started